World Gin Day 2015:

Facebook page (8-14 June 2015):

  • 20,384 total page likes
  • 288,071 total reach of posts on the page
  • 8,966 comments were left on posts

Twitter (8-14 June 2015) stats from

  • #worldginday was, yet again, trending in the UK on the day (Saturday 13 June)
  • 33,788 tweets included the official hashtag: #worldginday
  • 19,583 contributors used #worldginday
  • 47,248,415 total reach for tweets inc #worldginday
  • 111,902,071 timeline deliveries for tweets inc #worldginday
  • On average 23.4 tweets a minute included #worldginday over the course of the week, peaking on Saturday

Instagram (8-14 June 2015) stats from

  • 5,197 posts from 4,094 contributors
  • 9,789,173 impressions
  • 8,750,604 reach

Website (June 1-14):

  • 37,026 visitors to the website (15,449 on the day)
  • 88,663 page views on the website (35,447 on the day)

I’d say that’s World Gin Day pretty much conquered for another year…